Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sweet Lafe

I love visiting a farm...I spend a lot of time at my friend's farm growing up and loved every minute of it. It was fascinating, fun, work, and there was always something to do. So I jumped at the chance to shoot photos for baby Lafe at the family farm. I am pretty sure he has been on every piece of equipment imaginable and probably helped steer most of them. So I reckon at age 5 he can just drive his John Deere in to my house for a photo shoot! ;)
I was a little chilly the day of the session, but he was a trooper.
I. love. this. HAT!!!!
Now, if you have done pictures with me before- especially if you have children, you know I will do nearly anything to get the attention of those in the picture. This could and usually does include noises. Now, given we are ON A FARM this very day, can you imagine my surprise that these two adults had trouble not falling down laughing at my attention getting noise...for the little guy, of course!! It's sort of a snort/snore noise, ya know, like a farm pig would make. This seems reasonable to me, given the location. Lafe and I liked the noise, so I went right on making it when needed and ignoring my "friends" who could barely keep their focus.

Family sunet silhouette over the cornfield. Sigh. Does it get any more down to earth than that? (Check out the ears on the hat! He was probably checking out my noises!)

I realize you might be thinking I am on a roll with the crying little ones...but honestly, this little farmer didn't cry for long. The mamas and daddys of little ones see this kind of face so often, I just want to make they don't forget it! ;)

Sweet, baby Lafe! Great job today-even in the chill. Enjoy your precious family and farm. They are priceless and so are you!

Thanks for visiting! Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great pics, Jennifer! We had a great time. The snorting was ever so memorable.