Saturday, July 09, 2011

Sweet Hannah

I've determined it's impossible to take a bad shot of this gal. Seriously! She is so easy-going, happy and gorgeous!! You just can't mess that up! She also follows directions really well! ;)
Anyway, it didn't matter what she wore or where you put just had to follow this simple formula: great lighting+nice setting+Hannah= great picture! Ta-dah!

Here are a few with her and her bike. LOVED this shot. I snapped the picture, looked at the LCD and just said, "Nu-uh." She rocked it!

We went downtown for a few shots and had an absolute ball. The lighting was great, the weather was breezy and the subject was gorgeous. See what I mean? You just can't mess that up! Now, we did have a few spectators- and I'm not sure which was funnier...them, or Hannah's reaction to them! It didn't even phase her. ;)

She laughed out loud when I called her tall- she said, "Did you just call me TALL?" ...she is just 5'4", but those rockin' heels with the jeans really made her seem MUCH taller than she is.

Hannah- I love your openness and cheery nature. Thanks for letting me capture a bit of your senior spirit. You are a gem and I wish you all the best!

Thanks for visiting! Cheers!

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